Here are a collection of my posts that I received great feedback from, posts that I feel reveal a lot about life living with Chronic Illness. This is a small collection at the moment as I have only recently started this website however I will update this page as I go. I hope you enjoy this collection of your favourite posts.

My first post – Living with Chronic Illness, 2 Quotes to Motivate You – has been very popular. It gives you a better idea about my aim for this website and an insight into my life. For more on the creation of this blog, please check out the ABOUT page.

A couple of posts that deal with some of my more intimate and life altering moments, as well as goal setting and achieving as well as other information about myself, are:

A couple of posts on living with Chronic Illness include:

Some posts about hospital include:

I aim to create a blog that is a positive resource for people with Chronic Illness and I love to hear from those of you out there that are living with those unique issues that we share. Fighting the good fight. Please feel free to share your ideas, dreams and problems….. we are all in it together. Feel free to email me…. I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best, Lily

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