Benefits of Pets – A Medical Marvel

Benefits of Pets – A Medical Marvel

by Lily on December 4, 2008

As I wrote this post I was sitting at home with one enormous black cat hogging the desk and a little black and white dog sitting under my chair. These are my trusty, faithful and always happy companions who have seen me through good and bad. I have always loved animals but through my darker periods I really came to appreciate how much my little furry friends created happiness and harmony in my life.

It is no secret that pets are known to have many health benefits for humans including but not limited to:

  • Lower blood pressure. 
  • Lower Triglyceride levels.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Lower rates of depression.
  • Higher survival rates after a heart attack have been found in pet owners. 
  • Pets offer companionship, and help reduce feelings of loneliness. 
  • Pets give lonely owners a sense of purpose. 
  • Children growing up in a home with dogs or cats have been shown to have lower rates of allergies to children from non pet households. 
  • Elderly people and people living with illness or injury who live alone are often isolated, pet ownership reduces feelings of isolation & loneliness. Pets can offer a sense of purpose & responsibility in the these people. They also are more active than non pet owners. Which provides an obvious health benefit to them. 
  • Pets can help reduce sadness in owners.
  • Studies have revealed greatly improved social competence and self-esteem in children with pets compared to those without.

When you include the benefits of guide dogs, assistance dogs and dogs learning to detect cancer in humans you have to be amazed at what these wonderful creatures are capable of. For people living with illness or injury having a pet gives you purpose and aids you in looking past yourself and your problems. And having something give you love and affection no matter how unlovable you feel is good for your soul. 

I have experienced some of the medical benefits of having pets first hand. My little dog, Lucy, woke my loved ones by barking and generally going crazy early one morning. I had been struck by a very unexpected seizure. Her alert got me the help I needed immediately. I have always been amazed at her ability to know when I am sick or down, she will always keep close and give me lots of affection or just sleep beside me when I need rest but her doggy powers blew my mind when she woke me up in the middle of the night licking my forehead and pushing my face with hers. I woke, abit shocked and dazed, wondering what was going on when I realised that I was having a large bleed from my lungs. I was in such a deep sleep it hadn’t registered that my lungs were filling with blood but somehow Lucy knew (she apparently smelt it) and she did the best thing that she could have done and woke me up. To say that little dog is worth her weight in gold is quite an understatement!!

I have seen and heard of many other people having similar experiences to my own and in short, I believe that animals have amazing powers to heal your heart (physically and emotionally) and sooth your soul. If you can care for an animal and meet its needs without neglecting your own than I highly recommend the benefits of pet ownership to anyone ready for limitless love and affection!

If you have any stories to share about your furry loved ones please share!! I would love to hear from you!!

All the best, Lily

This post is dedicated to our darling cat, Zara (aka Princess Zara). She had been ill for a while and left us peacefully last week surrounded by her loved ones. She will be greatly missed and always loved.

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